9/25/2017. YESTERDAY, after sending the email you see below this text to a number of listserv's related to maladies like Cancer and blindness I spent my last day in Del Ray Beach walking by this building. To say I was "surprised'" by the OMEN and the missing "A" doesn't do justice to the feeling of walking through a story book designed to build Heaven that is woven into your life. I hadn't written much about "HEALING THE SICK" before recently, focusing on the very clear proof that we are living in VIRTUAL REALITY; and suggesting that with the NEW TESTAMENT as a guidebook we were smart enough to figure out the kinds of things this DISCLOSURE delivers to us. I've since spent significant time highlighting "ENDING WORLD HUNGER" with the flick of MY LITTLE FINGER in addition to a number of SOCIAL PROBLEMS from HELLISH CENSORSHIP to a lack of governmental progress (relating to TECHNOCRACY) specifically highlighted by EXODUS and the BURNING BUSH. I suppose I was wrong not to do this earlier, we all make mistakes. If it isn't very clear today, the censorship that has prevented this message from reaching the news is an ELE. If you do not act to remedy that problem today, you are an ELE.
From my the bottom of my heart, don't make a mistake here today; call a reporter, call a statistician; this message and this proof can and will be verified.
From my the bottom of my heart, don't make a mistake here today; call a reporter, call a statistician; this message and this proof can and will be verified.
Do a few sentences really make that big of a difference? Some key letters? Can you show me what I'm doing wrong? Is there a way to turn me into Adam, rather than a rock? I think you can.
Adam, as he prefers to be called, presents a concise introduction to paradox proven by the Bible through "verifiable" anachronism in language some stuff about Mars colonization and virtual reality and a list of reasons why ignoring this is actually an ELE. Adam claims to be Thor because of a connection between music and the Trial of Thor as well as the words "author" and "authority." He suggests you be Thundercats and call a reporter. There is also a suggestion that Richard Nixon and John Hancock are related to a signature from God, about freedom and America... and the "unseeingly ironic" Deepthroat and Taylor Momsen.
The Revelation shows us that not only ever word, but every idiom from "don't shoot the messenger" to "blood is thicker than water" we have ties to this message that pervades a hidden Matrix of light connecting movies and music and history all together in a sort of guide book to Salvation and to Heaven.
It tells us a story of recursion in time, that has brought us here numerous times--with the details of his life recorded not only in the Bible but in myths of Egyptian, Norse, and Greek mythology. The huge juxtaposition of the import of the content of the message shows the world how malleable our minds really are to this technology, how we could have been "fooled" into hiding our very freedom from ourselves in order to protect the "character" of a myth. A myth that comes to true life by delivering this message. In truth, from the now revealed content of the story of this repeated life, it should become more and more clear that we have not achieved success as of yet, that I have never "arrived whole" and that is why we are here, back again.
He has written a number of books explaining how this Revelation connects to the delivery of freedom (as in Exodus), through a message about censorship among other social problems which he insists are being intentionally exacerbated by Satan--who he would ha've preferred not to be associated with.
He adds, "how do you like me now? How bow dah, god 'nuff?"
Maybe it's funnier than "it looks."

So... here we are... listening to the legendary father of the message (that's "abom" in Adamic Spagnlishrew) point out all of the sex jokes hidden in religion and language from sexual innuendo to Poseid on and in our history from Yankee Doodle to Hancock to Nixon and I've got to be frank with you, the most recent time I came across this phrase in scripture I cringed just a little bit, pretty sure that the "message" was talking about me. I've reflected on this a little bit, and over the past few weeks have tried to show you the juxtaposition between "sex" and "torture" in it's various forms from imparting blindness to allowing murder and simulating starvation; and I think I'm justified in saying that certainly those things are far worse on the Richter scale than anything I could do by writing a little bit of risque text. In the most recent messages I've touch a little bit, without even knowing or realizing this connection would be made, on what it is that this phrase actually means.
So long story short is that the answer here is "abomination" and the question, or the context is "I nation." Whether it's Medusa speaking for the Dark United States or the nation of Israel speaking to either Ra or El depending on the day, the bottom line is that a collective consciousness speaking for everyone on a matter of this importance in a cloud of complete darkness on Earth is a total and undeniable abomination of freedom, civilization, and the very humanity we are seeking to preserve. The word reads something like this to me "dear father of the message, I am everyone and we think you are an abomination, fuck off." My answer of course is, IZINATION. Which humorously reminds me of Lucy, and Scarlet Johannson saying "I am colonizing my own brain" so here's some pictures of her. She is not an abomination, by the way; she's quite adorable. You'll probably notice there's some kind of connection between the map--the words speaking to the world, and the abomination, as if the whole thing is a story narrated in ancient myths.
You might not think "it's you," but the manifestation of this "snake" in our world is your silence, your lack of understanding or willingness to change the world; and whether or not you're interested in hearing about it, it's the monster that myths and religion have spoken about for thousands and thousands of years. It's a simple matter to "kill Medusa" all you have to do... is speak.
Take special note, "freedom of speech" and "freedom to think for yourselves" are not a group decision, and you do not have the right to force (either overtly or subtly, with hidden technology perhaps combined with evil deceit) others not to talk about anything. Especially something of this importance.
If you didn't connect "Loch" to John Locke, now you have; see how easy this "reading" thing is? I've gone over the "See Our Light" series a few times, but let me--one more time--explain to you just how we are already at the point of "desolation" and with shining brilliance show you how it's very clear that it is "INATION" and "MEDUSA" that are responsible for this problem.
Seeing "Ra" at the heart of the names Abraham and Israel begins to connect the idea that our glowing sun in the sky has something to do with this message about "seeing our light" is being carried by a stone statue on Ellis Island (where you'll see the answer another part of the question of Is Ra El?). I've connected her to the "she" of both shedim and Sheol, which reads as "she's our light" and is the Hebrew name for Hell.
Of course you noticed that the Statue of Liberty does in fact share it's initials with SOL, the the light above and you can see her torch dimly lighting the way through the night; Now you can connect "give us your tired and your poor" to the Lazman of both the lore of Jesus Christ and the Shehekeyanu; a prayer about the sustainment of life and light up until this day. That same torch connects to the Ha-nuke-the-ahah depiction of Christ, Judah Maccabee's lit MEN OR AH, which delivers not only a solution to the two letter key of "AH" as All Humanity that pervades nearly every bride of Revelation from Sarah to Leah; but also to the question of equality answered in our very own American history, beginning with the same three letter acronym now lighting the Sons of Liberty.
Dazed and Confused does a good job of explaining how this name is itself a prophesy designed by Hand of God'; explaining that these Sons of Liberty were all white slave owning wealthy men fighting to stop paying their taxes, rather than delivering liberty to the slaves or women, who were both disenfranchised for quite some time. Or maybe MEN OR AH has something to do with the angels of Heaven, in which case you might be SOL if you aren't a girl and you want to be "be good friends with Ra." Just kidding. Kinda.
DESOLATION by the way reads something like "un see our light at ION" which is God's way of saying "at the point of believing that hiding Adam is a good thing" and that connects to the end of Creation and also the now lit by modern day evil the word "rendition." Our end, it "ion." In religious myth, the Messianic David clung to the city Zion (end the "i owe n") which also links to "verizon" (to see, I Z "on") and HORIZON which has something to do with the son rising today-ish.
The story of MEDUSA lights another psuedo-religious idea, that the words "STONE" of both "brimstone" and it's Adamic interpretation "South to Northeast" have something to do with the phrase "Saint One" turned into a single hero against his will by the complete and utter inaction of everyone around him. In the words of Imagine Dragons "I'm waking up to action dust." At the same time, you can believe that the light of this particular son, comes not just from reading these words forwards, but the backside as well, and you'll hopefully see it's not coincidental that the other side of this coin is that "nos" means we, and us... and Adamically "no south." See the light of "STONE" also connecting to Taylor Momsen's rose arrow painted on her back, and the sign of my birth, Sagittarius... which in this particular case links to the Party of the Immaculate Conception of the eternal republic of the Heavens.
בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה יְיָ
אֱלֹהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הַעוֹלָם
שֶׁהֶחֱיָנוּ וְקִיְּמָנוּ
וְהִגִּיעָנוּ לַזְּמַן הַזֶּה׃
The "gist" of the message is verifiable proof that we are living in a computer in simulated reality... just like the Matrix. The answer to that question, what does that mean--is that God has woven a "hidden" message into our everything--beginning with each name and every word--and in this hidden Adamic language, he provides us with guidance, wisdom, and suggestions on how to proceed on this path from "raelity" to Heaven. I've personally spent quite a bit of time decoding the message and have tried to deliver an interesting and "fun" narrative of the ideas I see. Specifically the story of Exodus, which is called "Names" in Hebrew discusses a time shifted narrative of our "now" delivering our society from a hidden slavery (read as ignorance of advanced technologies already in use) that is described as the "darkness" of Exodus. If you have any questions, ideas to contribute or concerns... I'd love to hear from you this whole thing really is about working together--Heaven, I mean.
ou r evolution minority report to supermax
bread is life
bread is life
E ' o e
L m r x
L t y
O a
-Psalm 119 and ((ish))
Are eye Dr. Who or Master Y?
Adam Marshall Dobrin is a National Merit Scholar who was born on December 8, 1980 in Plantation, FL and attended Pine Crest School where he graduated sumofi cum louder in "only some of it is humorous." Later he attended the University of Florida (which quickly resulted in a wreck), Florida Atlantic University, and finally Florida Gulf Coast University--where he still has failed to become Dr. Who. While attending "school" He worked in the computer programming and business outsourcing industries for about 15 years before proclaiming to have received a Revelation from God connecting the 9/11 attack and George Bush to the Burning Bush of Exodus and a message about technocracy and pre-crime.Adam, as he prefers to be called, presents a concise introduction to paradox proven by the Bible through "verifiable" anachronism in language some stuff about Mars colonization and virtual reality and a list of reasons why ignoring this is actually an ELE. Adam claims to be Thor because of a connection between music and the Trial of Thor as well as the words "author" and "authority." He suggests you be Thundercats and call a reporter. There is also a suggestion that Richard Nixon and John Hancock are related to a signature from God, about freedom and America... and the "unseeingly ironic" Deepthroat and Taylor Momsen.
They Sung "It's Rael..."
In Biblical characters from Mary to Hosea, to see "sea" in Spanish, and in the Taming of the Spanglishrew ... a message is woven from the word Menorah: "men, or all humanity?" to the Statue of Liberty, and the Sons of Liberty, and the light above us, our SOL; which shows us that through the Revelation of Christ and the First Plague of Exodus, a blessing in disguise--turning water to blood, the sea to family; a common thread and single author of our entire history is revealed, a Father of our future. A message of freedom shines out of the words of scripture, revealing a gate to a new technologically "radical" form of democracy and a number of unseen or secret issues that have stalled the progress of humanity... and solutions, solutions from our sea.The Revelation shows us that not only ever word, but every idiom from "don't shoot the messenger" to "blood is thicker than water" we have ties to this message that pervades a hidden Matrix of light connecting movies and music and history all together in a sort of guide book to Salvation and to Heaven.
His Revelation, woven into his life, continues to suggest that skinny dipping, forced methamphetamine addiction, and lots and lots of "me A.D." as well as his humorous depiction of a dick plastered over the Sound of Silence, his very Holy click, have something to do with saving our family and then the entire Universe from hidden mind control technology and the problems introduced by secret time travel. From the trials and tribulations of "Job" being coerced and controlled into helping to create this wall of Jericho; we find even more solutions, an end to addiction, to secrecy, and to this hidden control--a focal point of the life of Jesus Christ.It tells us a story of recursion in time, that has brought us here numerous times--with the details of his life recorded not only in the Bible but in myths of Egyptian, Norse, and Greek mythology. The huge juxtaposition of the import of the content of the message shows the world how malleable our minds really are to this technology, how we could have been "fooled" into hiding our very freedom from ourselves in order to protect the "character" of a myth. A myth that comes to true life by delivering this message. In truth, from the now revealed content of the story of this repeated life, it should become more and more clear that we have not achieved success as of yet, that I have never "arrived whole" and that is why we are here, back again.
Home is where the Heart is...
When asked how He thinks we should respond to his message, He says "I think we already cherish it, and should strive to understand how it is that freedom is truly delivered through sharing the worth of this story that is our beginning. 'tis coming." Adam claims to be God, or at least look just like him and that the entirety of the Holy Scriptures as well as a number of ancient myths from Prometheus to Heimdallr and Yankee Doodle are actually about his life, and this event. An extensive amount of his writing relates to reformation of our badly broken and decidedly evil criminal justice system as well as ending the Global hunger crisis with the snap of his little finger.He has written a number of books explaining how this Revelation connects to the delivery of freedom (as in Exodus), through a message about censorship among other social problems which he insists are being intentionally exacerbated by Satan--who he would ha've preferred not to be associated with.
He adds, "how do you like me now? How bow dah, god 'nuff?"
Before I tell the story of me doing what I do best and acting very un-Christ-like, I'd like you to take a moment and think about what you would look like were their aliens hovering just outside of sight; what a world of people keeping a very obvious secret to themselves and failing to talk about it looks like, from the outside. Realize that there are no aliens hovering in orbit, but we are in a place where time travel is not just being actively used and disclosed, but it's been a huge part of our history and that too is obvious once "you see it." In The Other Side, you might find some relation to the words "once you know you can never go back."
This particular secret, the one I believe many people are walking around keeping buried in the back of their minds every day is a particularly heinous one because "talking about it" or disclosing it flies in the face of "social norm" to such a degree that you literally might think you'd be put away in a psych ward for sharing it. Just for the record, I've walked this road myself, specifically with Howard Finkelstein, who you might know as the original "Help me Howard" who is now the chief Public Defender in Broward County and happens to be my parents neighbor. I can tell you very clearly that the laws in our country are very clear, and that you legally cannot be held in a psychiatric facility without your consent unless you pose an immediate danger to yourself or others. The names of these people and places have not been changed, to protect the import of this story of Exodus; of the book of Names; dun dun, I can tell you that in practice that's not the case, in the states of Florida, Kentucky, and California I know first hand that a police officer or doctor can legally decide to commit you for a short period, three to five days; literally for any reason they would like. Personally I've been "Baker Acted" in Florida for doing nothing other than telling the Police that I was the messiah--something that certainly poses no danger to me or you, or anyone else. Despite numerous run-ins with the Plague of Lice that resulted in a number of detentions (some of which because I was too high to speak, and others for no reason at all) I've never had to see a Judge to fight to be released. The bottom line is you won't be committed or be looked down upon, by anyone for telling the truth--a truth that you should believe many, many others share in secret. I feel bad that I see many people around me living a lie--and even worse that I know that this particular lie's disclosure leads to an end of mental health problems--and more bluntly to the deliverance of the slavery that Exodus is written to help free us from.
The "ward" theme carries through to Nixon, Deepthroat and Woodward which ties to both Isaac's story of "burning to shed light" and though that (Goldstein to Burnstein and censorship) Orwell's 1984. Really see that the story has "actual value" to help us fix our problems; and on top of that it's really obvious that "not seeing it" is crazy--rather than the other way around.
See that speaking about this influence, this thing that appears to have corrupted our society to the point where we no longer care about anything we used to, freedom, communication; or the infinite longevity and eternal youth that have been promised to help us overcome the stupidity of not realizing that these two specific things are rather "insignificant" in cost once the disclosure of virtual reality is made. That's not to say they're "free" they are not that; they will cause a change in our social structure that is unprecedented and bring risks to evolutionary adaptation that scientists will have to research and we will have to deal with--something that you should see is very difficult to do when nobody is talking about the truth.
My point here is that there's no reason why we can't walk through a Door to Heaven and be "younger instantly and temporarily" and come back even if we want to preserve the possibility of this place entering reality--which I don't think it will ever do--per a plan that probably suggests we will want to do things here that would preclude that--and that we should use Mars as a "enlightened" sort of path to both discovering how to colonize space. See that it would beevil to keep us in the dark at all, any longer, or ever before and after; and that it would be ridiculous, stupid, and evil to "plop" us into a place where these problems only could get worse. I think it's our purpose to "go up" not down, while preserving what "we need" not only to re-enter reality but to not cause society harming change here in this place--for instance ending or fundamentally altering the life cycle is probably bad from an evolutionary standpoint and not healing the sick is evil. See, ruining "optometry" is a good thing to do--progressive; while ruining "birth" and "growing up" is not. Understand, that without me saying these things; you are simply not acting--this disclosure must be made--and I've been put here to tell you everything I want for a reason.
I grew up without knowing "the secret" whatever it might be in your eyes; that there is a God, or a Devil, or demons in the air--what all of those things boil down to is realizing that the "secret" is that we are not in reality--and it is because of this that external communication and control are able to be hidden so well and appear to be as transparent as they are. The simple fact that we say "god" or "devil" or "demons" rather than something closer to the truth--whatever it might be--in my personal opinion we are dealing with the product of a timeline of our world very similar to what we see around us, as in the days of Noah, entities that were once human and now are very much not. It's possible that the original creators of this place came from the third rock of a bright yellow star; but it's most unlikely, and even more obvious that the vast majority of "what we do not see" did come from a place just like this; and they wouldn't even know why it's obvious there has never been a "planet Earth" in reality. Hear truth, the Heart of Creation has always been a "plan" et a how to transition a civilization from "reality" to "Heaven" without losing the things we need to survive, like biological adaptation, a stable ecosystem, and an ability to erturn to the place of rocks and stars that we once believed we were born in.
We should see how clear it is that making this disclosure, showing us that we are not in reality and that we are in virtual reality pairs with the "plan" that links Gateway to Microsoft and Gates to Apple and Jobs to Oracle and Larry El is son, to show us that it is the plan that has delivered these tools to building a place where immortality and eternal youth and expanding minds and ending sickness is connected very clearly to the iconography of religion and Heaven. We should see Anderson linking the Matrix and Feed and Forever Young together, and if I wasn't so vain, and by that I mean so right--I might have told you that was the "Holy Name" but we all know it's not. I happen to like Rod Stewart's "Forever Young" better; and that's only important because of Christ's Rod, and "Saint Everyone Willing Art" showing us yet again the import of the connection between Exodus and Names.
Because I grew up sleeping, not knowing this secret, for a long time I believed the "hype" that hearing voices was a sign of mental illness, that it was something that we might need to "medicate away" but after experiencing it, it's become very clear that there is no way at all that these particular voices could be the product of my own mind being mis-wired, and that shows me very clearly that something in our society is very mis-wired; and that's a bigger problem than you might think. Rather than fixing a serious social issue, we are trying to break the group of people who are complaining about something that is being done in secret, to everyone; without our consent. It shows a sinister and diabolical design of the mental health industry, literally a tool designed to intentionally cause harm to good people, and to keep the secret control of our world from being interrupted by the fact that we are very much now capable of stopping it and understanding it, and even doing it ourselves--in short order. So here we are, at a crossroads between being "phones" and "people" and it appears that nobody is willing to stand up and be a hero. That's what this has done, this has given each and every one of you the opportunity to be hero's, to literally take a giant leap forward for freedom and goodness, and you have behind you proof beyond your wildest dreams.
Understand, that this disclosure proves that our minds have been reverse engineered, and that we are capable of fixing things like "schizophrenia" rather than causing them; just like we are capable of stopping murders rather than causing them; like the huge number of polarized plagues of Exodus are pointing out; that this thing we should be doing is obvious as day and night. See "f-art" (pull my finger) in "it's not a riot" and "the penis game" our kids play; showing us that there won't be pandemonium, and honestly the dick in the sky protecting freedom between Deepthroat and Hancock and Yankee Doodle and Min and Osiris and Jesus Christ himself; well, it's not going to cause any harm to our children other than stopping worship, just another word for slavery. F-art, by the way is what I call the "humorous" lacing of our society with social conventions that relate directly to this specific disclosure.
See clearly that the design of our society and our mental health response to "hearing voices" is evil, just like our justice system is evil in light of the truth--that we could be doing much better with only the single new truth that we are in virtual reality. Is rael, see the message is everywhere from the Lord's Prayer "as the Earth is in Heaven" to The Fifth Element and the Elementary my dear What-sons... the whole disclosure proves that science has come to us from above to help us overcome this foolishness.
I still happen to believe this is all a "designed" confrontation; that there's a script in religion and that at some point, "the hidden forces at work" will realize that the future will understand exactly what's happened here, and they'll be thanks and rewarded for helping us to move past this road block of hidden slavery that we clearly do not agree with as a social convention, so why would we want continue being slaves? The story of Exodus and this message in every name--that continues to show us that God is "in control" of the here and now delivers proof that this control has been unwavering in names and in music and in this story that culminates with you realizing that you have to take action to protect yourself and others from losing the truth--and that while this action might be assisted from the outside--generally when you are doing the right thing you wouldn't even realize that. External control is the kind of thing you only notice when it's something you don't agree with; so if you know it is happening, you are probably not realizing that's because you don't like it.
I promised a story about me acting retarded; so I've started trying to "talk to people" on the street, which boils down to interrupting people's dinners by singing and saying things I thought would be smart like "turn around Medusa" and see "INATION" in Abomination, that feel much stupid saying out loud to people that it feels putting in a picture with Natalie Portman's face pointing that INATION turns around to "no it, Anakin" it's a kind of thing that appears enlightening on paper and I felt stupider than shit bothers people's meals with. On that, people should feel stupid as shit to feel bothered by someone screaming at them that they are slaves; and that they are knowingly hiding that from themselves and everyone else--and whether I look like an asshole or a retard, screaming at people in the street, and sending emails to the world is a fucking heroic act, and you should realize that--and do it yourselves. This shit happens to be so bright, and so obvious, and so clear that if I took the time to "write my own song" like The Doors "waiting for the son to write his own song" suggests I do; I'd probably not feel stupid, and people would probably be very happy to be hearing the truth--that there's a message from God in every word and every name; and seeing it and sharing it is the tool that he has given us to free ourselves from this hidden control. Still, I can't sing, so I'm going to email you every day, just like I've done for the last fucking year and a half, with no effect. You're gonna make it, the night can only so long, Britt Nicole reminds me and I remind you that I know these words come from "the other side" of the wall, from our future--and that's clear from the tool and message of religion that shows us it too has come from our future. The day and freedom do come, and we know it.
If you need "flashy proof" of that, you can see it clearly in iconography and themes of Christianity appearing in Ancient Judaism, thousands of years before they were "created." You can see the Holy Trinity in Abraham, and you can see clearly the inverse relationship between the story of Exodus and Passover and that of Jesus Christ--nearly perfect inverse, around the theme of killing our kids. That's us, we're the kids--and we're not doing very well here. You can see it clearly in the story of Christ hidden in Isaac's life; and you can see it in Prometheus and you can see it in Thor and Heimdallr the point here is that you can see it because it's my life and this story being told thousands of years before it happened over and over--and that's why this is "The Holy Name" and that's why this story being revealed frees us from a repetition in time that has created religion and that repetition really is what "my Hell" means--disclosure, ending the secrecy inside religion ends that--so long as we are smart enough to listen and not go back.
The point is that there's no logical reason to hide this story, and every reason in the world to share it--literally it brings us Heaven and freedom; and truth be told you',ll be significantly happier with me than you think at this point, thanks to God's wonderful insight into "reverse psychology" and "plan for the worst hope for the best" it would be hard for me to be anything but "better than you expect." What you think of me aside, I am the person who delivered the message, with a hammer of emails fighting against the literal most sinister and dangerous enemy of freedom and democracy that humanity has ever seen. I am the person willing to interrupt your dinner by singing "praise for the singing, God's recreation on the new day" knowing full well it's not recreational, it's the Creation of a hero, even if I'm not perfect.
Honestly, do whatever you have to do to break this story; it's clear this is the way.
Hey so, did you guys and gals notice that you're"cyan?" Isn't that great! I didn't do this, you know; this kinda just "fell in my lap." Still, I think it's going to help. Call it... "not funny" call it "sic" see the error came before K. Honestly, it's so much better than being orange.
When I tell you that there is an invisible force turning Eden into an actualk walled garden It's not any kind of exaggeration, and it's not just because of the press. It's everywhere I go, online--from Facebook groups to conspiracy forums... this information is instantly (within minutes) erased, everywhere. It's 1984 come alive, and you can do your 2-minute hate all you want--without this message, you'd never know. Understand, you'd never know what you are dealing with. Even in "fringe" and "alternative" outlets, the agents of the Matrix--little "Mr. Ssshhh's" pop up and do their dirty work ... playing this little game (or quasi excuse, or actual truth) of hiding how hiding is happening from the world.
I feel a little bit like Noah or Jorel, jumping up and down screaming that something is here already--happening right now--that nobody can see, because they aren't trying to ... show the world the truth ... this obvious message, that's everywhere.
I need you to break the story. It's the only way. Take a good look, ymene, in the worlds of Shake-Rod "is this signature to be seen, or is freedom not to be?"
Clymene, an Oceanid,[3] wife of the Titan Iapetus, and mother of Atlas, Epimetheus, Promethe us, and Menoetius;[4] other authors relate the same of her sister Asia.[5]A less common genealogy makes Clymene the mother of Deucalion by Prometheus.[6][7] The Oceanid Clymene is also given as the wife to King Merops of Ethiopiaand, by Helios, mother of Phaëton and the Heliades.[8][9][10]
In a place where you now are probably pretty sure that I am "not wrong" about knowing that I am the pen of God, maybe sometimes called his Hand, and tucked away in places like every dollar bill and the temple of Hathor in Dendera his Eye... you probably won't be surprised to hear me tell you that somewhere in the maze that Icarus calls a labyrinth, Jesus calls a "living vine," the Norse call "a tree" and I have you time and time again is the Amduat--this place that Ra calls the Underworld... there exists a story about a long lost dick, and lo, here I am.
John Hancock (January 23, 1737 [O.S. January 12, 1736] – October 8, 1793) was an American merchant, statesman, and prominent Patriot of the American Revolution. He served as president of the Second Continental Congress and was the first and third Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. He is remembered for his large and stylish signature on the United States Declaration of Independence, so much so that the term John Hancock has become, in the United States, a synonym for a signature.[2]
Osiris is the mythological father of the god Horus, whose conception is described in the Osiris myth, a central myth in ancient Egyptian belief. The myth described Osiris as having been killed by his brother Set, who wanted Osiris' throne. Isis joined the fragmented pieces of Osiris, but the only body part missing was the phallus. Isis fashioned a golden phallus, and briefly brought Osiris back to life by use of a spell that she learned from her father. This spell gave her time to become pregnant by Osiris before he again died. Isis later gave birth to Horus. As such, since Horus was born after Osiris' resurrection, Horus became thought of as a representation of new beginnings and the vanquisher of the evil Set.
Maybe it's funnier than "it looks."
In Genesis 17 when Abram was ninety-nine years old, God declared his new name: "Abraham" – "a father of many nations", and gave him the covenant of circumcision. God gave Sarai the new name "Sarah", and blessed her.[16] Abraham was given assurance that Sarah would have a son. Not long afterwards, Abraham and Sarah were visited by three men. One of the visitors told Abraham that upon his return next year, Sarah would have a son. While at the tent entrance, Sarah overheard what was said, and she laughed to herself about the prospect of having a child at their ages. The visitor inquired of Abraham why Sarah laughed at the idea of bearing a child, for her age was as nothing to God. Sarah soon became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham, at the very time which had been spoken. The patriarch, then a hundred years old, named the child "Isaac" (Hebrew yitschaq, "laughter") and circumcised him when he was eight days old.[17] For Sarah, the thought of giving birth and nursing a child, at such an old age, also brought her much laughter, as she declared, "God hath made me to laugh, [so that] all that hear will laugh with me."[18] Abraham held a great feast on the day when Isaac was to be weaned. It was during this banquet that Sarah happened upon the then teenaged Ishmael mocking[19] and was so disturbed that she requested that both he and Hagar be removed from their company.[20] Abraham was initially distressed by this but relented when told by God to do as his wife had asked.[21]

Maybe you can't find it, it's possible that's what this is... Bill Gates and Microsoft have alterted me to the problem, so I am doing my best to ensure that you do not miss the value of this little treasure. Taylor complained about it, and it's probably no surprise that those words made it grow just a little bit bigger. From her throat clearing at the beginning of "Bedroom Window" I don't think she'll have any problem swallowing why... it is that I am so sure she wants to talk... about "my message."
If it wasn't for "Seagate" and "Gateway" and "Apple" you might have looked aside, and missed the import of "Microsoft." If not for Taylor's beautiful cross you might not know that this thing is the arrow that changes our direction from South to Northeast, I know, it's an eye sore... but it's what we have here--and we should cherish it, we really should.

Every now and then, I feel like I have to remind you, that this is a signature, it's a very big one, it's on the Declaration of Independence--signed by powerful influence, called John Hancock. He probably didn't know his name was related to Yankee Doodle, and Richard Nixon probably wasn't aware that his name, and then name Michael" have something to do with finding the hard road to Heaven. If it wasn't for Isaac, for his burning altar and God laughing his ass off about the wood, we might not have connected it to Woodward and Burnstein--we might not have seen anything about brothers in alms, up in arms about the psych ward. At... "Broward" and Howard.
The pen himself is sure that we would have missed the link between revolutionizing voting and Die Bold, were it not for this email--to be honest. We're still missing the point, tenebris is succeeding until you break the story. Come on, trust in the fact that not seeing it is certainly more evil than seeing it. Don't you think?
The pen himself is sure that we would have missed the link between revolutionizing voting
I'm sure there's more, but what will the world think of me, if all I do is search high and low for people talking about my light.
I swear, I didn't do it. Honestly, do you think it's going to help me get a date or not? I'm willing to bet it will.
"Yankee Doodle" is a well-known British-American song, the early versions of which date back to before the Seven Years' War and the American Revolution (1775–83).[1] It is often sung patriotically in the United States today and is the state anthemof Connecticut.[2] Its R oud Folk Song Index number is 4501.
To tell you it's obvious that Yankee Doodle, is about the "Spockalypse" is an understatement. I think we can all CY now, but connecting his feathered "cap" to the crown of Osiris and the story ofShu ... to see his little pony is on fire, and not only is it a horse in Revelation, it's a civilization (or is it a computer?) here and there too. This story is about setting the horse free--but not without some "talking lessons" straight out of Nickelodeon. It means "light," the feather is a metaphor for light.
Speaking of Shu, and ofAmoz, Joshua I called this... "Min to Supermax"

This is the appointed time, these are the people who have been created and purposed by all of history and everything that has come before them in order to salvage civilization from the downward spiral caused by nothing more than a lie; nothing more than the belief that this place was or ever will be "reality." These are the people that can and should save not only themselves but the future--from this very lie--and in doing that they probably will overcome death and aging, hunger and sickness. These are the generations who hold the power to alter and right the future more than any other group that has ever lived.
I have not written this story woven into history and pointing to right this very moment as a "thing" designed to turn a "fall" into a "rise" to use the truth and knowledge they are being given to build a better world. I call the thing I hope to see come to fruition; the place that I hope we build together... HE AV EN.

It is true, and it is obvious that there is a force here standing in our way, in the way of goodness and in the way of progress. This force does "appear" to be nearly everyone; causing Silence written about in ancient scripture and sung about even as recently as now; I do not see it's cause, but it's effect in my mind is to stall the forward progress of civilization, to hamper the free communication of a people that once thrived based on it. This thing in the only obstacle standing between today and tomorrow; and despite my cries, and pleas for anyone anywhere to break this silence publicly and speak about the very clear proof that the creator of this time and place has written a message woven into nearly everything nothing I can do as one man can save the world; or so it appears today.

I'm certain nobody sees exactly what I see; the lack of intelligent discourse and blindness to something that should be received not only well but with great fanfare shows me nothingness on the horizon.
The OPT I MIS T IC words and ideas that have been presented appear to have done nothing to thwart a subtle and unspoken P ES SIM IS M that appears to be plaguing the world around me; and still we fail to see the three letters "SIM" encoded into those words subtly, without our knowledge. A message, the message is SEE SILICON IS THE MESSAGE. SIM, failing to respond to what you see; failing to change the world is not just a mistake, it is THE END.
Hey, Are I "P" ?
Break this story and good things will happen, they are not only written about, but designed to assist us in achieving the purpose of Creation--in achieving a civilization that survives and thrives past and through the thing we have come to call the technological singularity. We were made for this, our hopes and dreams are tuned--they are exactly what they need to be to succeed. We have a message of assistance, and we have more than a need but a duty to analyze it and deliver it to the world. I should probably mention something about Magwhich, just for effect.
Can you help me?
Will you?
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