You can see design of the map in Herod and in Roddenberry and in Rodney King and ... ; connecting this concept of the "rod of Christ" being this weapon of words--proof and ideas against the Darkness... adding to that I personally sat around knowing full well that the third elemental key was "Xe" and wondered to myself how I was so sure. I didn't make the connection between the "X" and the Kiss until today, and while I was very sure the "e" was because of Exodus I just recently linked Exodus to "Medusa" and "medicine." It's fundamental to the idea of Exodus... really understanding the collective consciousness ... and the concept of "e" being "the sea and Adam together" the "c + i" that connects to our now growing list of character glyphs that revolved and churn around the telling of this very story... the "t" of Christ, and the "n" of Newton and the the "d" of disclose. You can see the intent to visualize change in "Shakespeare" to "Rattle Rod" and I"I AM" to "we are," at least you could before you were to be blind.
Me-S ... Si All Humanity intentionally hiding a message that would end torture and starvation because of the letters "AH" and not connecting their reticence to the same hidden technology that kept me from seeing "SS" in the KISS logo (and what you should see as clear proof of a staged set-up, a frame -- designed across decades to keep you from acting, a conspiracy of the multitude against itself), and the "X" of "sudoXe" to this Exodus from being made logically, spiritually, and morally blind ... all revolving around the disclosure that this darkness is due to hidden technology, to the secrecy surrounding it, and to the desire to control the masses. So the key reading of the word "messiah" this link between "wessen, meg, and me-s" assigning the beginning of salvation and of Satan and of savior to "we" or to "me" or to whomever understands that it's Si'ing and speaking that is the key to turning Satan into Salvation.

From "eat this bread and think of it as me" to Marie Antoinette's "let them eat cake instead" (which shows this story of Jesus turning bread to stone in the Bible coming to life in England... and eright now... here) the underlying theme is a resentment and ... well, I detest the fact that you will not speak frankly, or clearly--or respond as normal thinking human beings should respond to this message. It is a frank and angry response and clear highlighting of the sickness that is organized Silence--this thing that makes everything "appear to be normal" in this place where you are anything but. Here's a piece of my mind for this "piece of Cake" the world would instantly be made better, happier and healthier if you would simplypick up your telephone and call a reporter.

With that in mind, the last message I've tried to send was severely hampered by this army of SPAM button clicking demons, literally receiving half of the average views of other messages that I've sent to far less people. I need you to see we live in a place where there really is no force of organized goodness--that evil is organized here, and that our governments are standing on the sidelines in this place where the front line is defined clearly in the First Amendment--we are watching free speech and freedom of religion be ignored. When I ask you to "call a reporter" and tell you that's the beginning of Jesus' Job, really understand I believe it's the intent and design of the word "carpenter" to show you that helping to deliver this message is really the foundation of Heaven.
Out of curiosity, we do know that in response to Carly Simon's "you probably think" that all these songs really are about me... right? Also... don't miss the connection between "car and carpenter" and Simon and the words simulation and Monday. Hey, call a reporter... OK?

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