This is basically "last Christmas's message" (below this brand-knew intraducrigel) redux'ed into the new book (did he say new?). The point, at least the point I see in it all is that this is all planned, it's been planned for a very, very long time--and on top of that you can see proof of the plan all over our map; and proof of it's intended destination as something that we all used to want very much to find... the read to Heaven. It's more than seeing just "DNA storage" encoded in my "C U R A GROUP" message, it's understanding how that's connected to soul searching and soul storage, and that this link was woven into not only my life but into names like "Whatson and Crick?" There's plenty more than just "storage" and a map to how and why the Two of Everything God and the "indivisible sea" work totether to turn this monolithic place of darkness into a strippingly redunant systemic foundation of "Heaven" that is both disaster proof, and monster proof. The point of course, is that to truly be "monster proof" we need to really get the key.s.lamc.la "know everything why" of this message is literally to protect our common good from the danger of someone just like me copying an entire civilization or a few pretty girls and sticking them in an heoven-like-orgy-maker. That's a significantly more real threat than we might imagine, as we look around at a work that will soon have the storage capacity and the technology to put us all in Coccoonish swimming pools against our will. What I am trying to say is that no matter how you look at it,moving forward here in this place where something this big can be hidden from the entire world--granted you know--granted you see, but do you understand the only thing being kept from each and every one of you is your fucking opinion and your fucking reaction?
IT'S NOT JUST computers and information technology; this map of clear anachronism in language and religion shows us that things like "solar fusion" the power of the son itself; is encoded in places high and low you can erasilly find them, places like the name of the Fifth book of the Holy Bible and Don Quixote; where you might liken "DEUTERON" to ... the actual fuel of fusion; and wind mills to a battle fought against blindness resulting in seeing that not "reacting" to this message is just about the same thing as being a foolish robot building a castle for another foolish robot to do nothing in forever. With some light, you can see how this event; albeit strange and unsettling, has been designed to reinforce the American foundations of free speech, common sense, and collaboration--a sort of "press and release" on these things that he says will stay in our memories for a long, long time--though he also says "he's not torturing me" and he's wrong about that. So are you.
This is basically "last Christmas's message" (below this brand-knew intraducrigel) redux'ed into the new book (did he say new?). The point, at least the point I see in it all is that this is all planned, it's been planned for a very, very long time--and on top of that you can see proof of the plan all over our map; and proof of it's intended destination as something that we all used to want very much to find... the read to Heaven. It's more than seeing just "DNA storage" encoded in my "C U R A GROUP" message, it's understanding how that's connected to soul searching and soul storage, and that this link was woven into not only my life but into names like "Whatson and Crick?" There's plenty more than just "storage" and a map to how and why the Two of Everything God and the "indivisible sea" work totether to turn this monolithic place of darkness into a strippingly redunant systemic foundation of "Heaven" that is both disaster proof, and monster proof. The point of course, is that to truly be "monster proof" we need to really get the key.s.lamc.la "know everything why" of this message is literally to protect our common good from the danger of someone just like me copying an entire civilization or a few pretty girls and sticking them in an heoven-like-orgy-maker. That's a significantly more real threat than we might imagine, as we look around at a work that will soon have the storage capacity and the technology to put us all in Coccoonish swimming pools against our will. What I am trying to say is that no matter how you look at it,moving forward here in this place where something this big can be hidden from the entire world--granted you know--granted you see, but do you understand the only thing being kept from each and every one of you is your fucking opinion and your fucking reaction?
IT'S NOT JUST computers and information technology; this map of clear anachronism in language and religion shows us that things like "solar fusion" the power of the son itself; is encoded in places high and low you can erasilly find them, places like the name of the Fifth book of the Holy Bible and Don Quixote; where you might liken "DEUTERON" to ... the actual fuel of fusion; and wind mills to a battle fought against blindness resulting in seeing that not "reacting" to this message is just about the same thing as being a foolish robot building a castle for another foolish robot to do nothing in forever. With some light, you can see how this event; albeit strange and unsettling, has been designed to reinforce the American foundations of free speech, common sense, and collaboration--a sort of "press and release" on these things that he says will stay in our memories for a long, long time--though he also says "he's not torturing me" and he's wrong about that. So are you.
See that the most interesting, important, and invoking story of all time has been hidden from the world, from the public eye, and from "public response" for well over two years now; see that's not possible at all without mass mind control and that I and this story are designed to help us see how easily it is that same thing can be used to end addiction, and mental health issues, and stupidity and that the biggest and most imporotant step to getting there is "public disclosure." See the light of being carrolling angels this Christmas; sing with me--it builds Heaven from Hell and it's clear as day and n.
Quite a bit of this story and message deals with problems like these-things that won't really be seen as something we are fighting against the actual usage of right this very moment; but the sacredness of our memories and their relationship to our souls are just as important as whether or not "you have the space to save them." This isn't what I want to be doing, I'm not a very good writer; and this message is so confusing that working on it all alone with very little feedback is frustrating if not to say defeating the purpose of exactly what it is and what it's designed to do. This is a searching mechanism, like in the stories of Ra searching for his children in ancient Egypt using the Eye you see--and it's connection to the "Sons of Liberty" and why I know that too, is about me. This is a tool to start a Renaissance of thinking connecting technology and religion to everything that we are--to our culture and our hopes and dreams--and it's failing for me at "hello." I would much rather be working on "virtual reality stuff" or on "the sword of Arthor" and I see very clearly that those two things are coming shortly--to the world that doesn't see yet they are here and broken until we fix them. Moving forward here brings change, not just here in this place where we need it too--but in the skies above, a change from the mentality of "we aren't not helping because we told you that we aren't allowed to not pretend we aren't helping in Stargate. See that we are the children of "the Ancients" and they are trying to decide between being Morgenz and Marlin.
I can't make you set yourselves free. I sure am trying, though. Yesterday I connected the "Arimathea" of Joseph to the "serdenicity" and this the me of "itime" and "topics" will probably light some of you up as much as me... if only you took the time to look at what those words really mean. From the city that never sleeps at night, I hope you will take this chance to act today on "securing the ringing of liberty forever and ever."
take action, it is the foundation of not only democracy but civilization and life itself--pucker up the phone and call the NYPOST.
See that the most interesting, important, and invoking story of all time has been hidden from the world, from the public eye, and from "public response" for well over two years now; see that's not possible at all without mass mind control and that I and this story are designed to help us see how easily it is that same thing can be used to end addiction, and mental health issues, and stupidity and that the biggest and most imporotant step to getting there is "public disclosure." See the light of being carrolling angels this Christmas; sing with me--it builds Heaven from Hell and it's clear as day and n.
Quite a bit of this story and message deals with problems like these-things that won't really be seen as something we are fighting against the actual usage of right this very moment; but the sacredness of our memories and their relationship to our souls are just as important as whether or not "you have the space to save them." This isn't what I want to be doing, I'm not a very good writer; and this message is so confusing that working on it all alone with very little feedback is frustrating if not to say defeating the purpose of exactly what it is and what it's designed to do. This is a searching mechanism, like in the stories of Ra searching for his children in ancient Egypt using the Eye you see--and it's connection to the "Sons of Liberty" and why I know that too, is about me. This is a tool to start a Renaissance of thinking connecting technology and religion to everything that we are--to our culture and our hopes and dreams--and it's failing for me at "hello." I would much rather be working on "virtual reality stuff" or on "the sword of Arthor" and I see very clearly that those two things are coming shortly--to the world that doesn't see yet they are here and broken until we fix them. Moving forward here brings change, not just here in this place where we need it too--but in the skies above, a change from the mentality of "we aren't not helping because we told you that we aren't allowed to not pretend we aren't helping in Stargate. See that we are the children of "the Ancients" and they are trying to decide between being Morgenz and Marlin.
I can't make you set yourselves free. I sure am trying, though. Yesterday I connected the "Arimathea" of Joseph to the "serdenicity" and this the me of "itime" and "topics" will probably light some of you up as much as me... if only you took the time to look at what those words really mean. From the city that never sleeps at night, I hope you will take this chance to act today on "securing the ringing of liberty forever and ever."
take action, it is the foundation of not only democracy but civilization and life itself--pucker up the phone and call the NYPOST.
Letters to the Editor: letters@nypost.com
hoy. por favor, mon ami?

Adam Marshall Dobrin <adam5@reallyhim.com>
Let there be $ight in Creation, a brief highlighting of the story of my life.
Letters to the Editor: letters@nypost.com
Adam Marshall Dobrin <adam5@reallyhim.com> |
Let there be $ight in Creation, a brief highlighting of the story of my life. |
Morning Has Broken
CopyleftMT RIGEL.

Spark the Eternal Flame

This is the mindfuck you are looking for. What begins as only a few simple words in the story of Exodus begin to part a sea of people at the time of Revelation; over what exactly I am not sure. You see, we have before us not only verifiable proof of the creation of language and history... in every word and every story; but a statisticallly verifiable message from The Creator of the Universe beginning with language itself, the fire of Prometheus, and ending with each and every one of us.
This fundraising campaign is dedicated to purchasing a billboard to actually spark the Second Coming. With the information on this page, you'd think that wouldn't be necessary--but the press has ignored it, the church has ignored it, and the government... well, they're either writing it or ignoring it. Strong highlighting of a number of social problems with censorship and secrecy that are pertinent to this event, and targeted as the "stuff" of 1984 ... or Hell. This is my way to end the darkness of Exodus.
This message begins with the fire of the Burning Bush , George W. predicting the 9/11 attack during his inaugural address on January 20, and then linking it directly to the herald the Second Coming ... Revelation1:20. It continues to spread and glow as we see modern computing and chemistry elements highlighted in the name Exodus itself (which is called Names in Hebrew) reading in reverse we see God's iconic "let there be light, sudo xe-no-n." Later in the story of Exodus we read an ancient prophesy of our sea parting, over the kind of proof that is hidden from our minds but visible in plain site... for instance the word for Holy Fire in Hebrew... Ha'esh. Take the leap, and really understand that George Bush is named because of the Burning Bush and that the story of parting a sea is designed to ensure we do not miss the paradox, the proof of time travel not only in the words of Ecclesiastes 9:11 that he quoted, but also in the word... for fire... that the story of Exodus is truly written to shine light on.

The message I have written, with his guidance and his light continues to explain how the Second Coming is designed to literally do nothing short of changing the world. It explains how the Holy Bible is truly a prophetic chronicling of the life of one man, beat down and burt by our justice system and Heaven itself; all in order to help us see what "change" is really about. Law enforcement is attacked, called the Plague of LICE in a hidden language that is defined by this book, a cypher that links Shakespeare's RattleRod and Spanglishrew to the character Cypher of the Matrix and even to King's Langolier... language outliers... only in the beginning. It is more than just every word, but these plays, and b ooks... even Herod, Roddenberry, and Rodney King. In the scriptures, it ties Job and Joseph's slavery to Samson's battle with Judges, all the way to American Pie and the Trial of Jesus Christ. Not without good reason, God is presenting a case for "Minority Report," for pre-crime... ending violence at the system level; no more rape or murder. How can we say no?

"Power to the people" is really what the message is all about , and we can see as much in these same words of Ecclesiates predicting the Bush election, and the voting booth company "Die Bold." Along with that prediction, and it's direct link to a significant number of prophetic descriptions of modern computing and related technology ; comes a call to truly advance the state of our democracy, to build Heaven... a republic that one day might be called a "technocracy." Universal voting, collaborate bill writing, and really seeing that the message here is to help us advance as we normally would, but significantly faster. In religion God ties the foundation of America to "John Hancock" and "Sam Adams" and the light of the SOL, or sun , truly being a fusion of the phrase "see our light" and "Statue of Liberty" and "Sons of Liberty." All the way back to the Menorah, you can be sure this message is God's intended design. "Men, or All Humanity..." so goes the key to the Holy Grail; a message about seeing his infliuence writing our world as a story, connecting "blood is thicker than water" and "blessing in disguise" to the First Plague of Exodus... this message that we are turning the "sea of people" to blood, to the Family of Jesus Christ.

Building Heaven is not an easy thing to do, it really wasn't done in a day--even if I claim it was. He has created a "Watergate" and really seeing his influence here in order to show us all that this message was hidden by governments and media and the air around us; to the point of causing the Plague of Darkness... he is fighting our lack of "seeing" with fire... and jokes. So to see the Watergate... to see Tricky Dick and Deepthroat, and then to understand that he has linked the Hebrew parallel of Christ's story to this attack on media censorship is truly the beginning of Heaven being built of Earth.
I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out. John 10:9
In the names Emmanuel Goldstein, the messianic hero of Orwell's 1984--a name that means "light well" (as in of Abraham's well and James Clerk Maxwell) in the same language that "Hallowed are the Ori" means "illuminati" ... he has tied Isaac's fiery altar of wood (ha, ha) to Woodward and Burnstein; to see that burning Emmanuel Goldstein sends "Adam to the psych ward" in Broward County, of Help me Howard and First Coming fame. It is a key to Names, and a key to freedom; to see how important free speech and free thought are to the future of our society.
Just through this Watergate, the Doors to Heaven truly open for the whole sea; of the stories of Hosea and the Censorwall of Jericho.

The end game is proving the world that we are in the Virtual Garden of Eden ; a place where the Promised Land of flowing milk and honey takes on new meaning; of seeing that our scare resources are not truly scare, only the truth is. With this new knowledge we have a message from God that spans Genesis and Joshua and Jesus to "turn stone to bread" and end world hunger.
A prophesy about Doors to Heaven that link Morrison and Momsen together in a ballroom in the sky; a place to help us see how much better our world can be made with this new information, and how we are truly on a coarse to get there anyway--just missing the guidance and wisdom of the ages... to help us do things the right way this time around.
Obviously these billboard designs are not set in "stone," but this Turn Around from our Southward trajectory towards Hell to the Northeast ... to Heaven in our future; that is set literally in the word "stone."
South to Northeast.
The message continues to explain how these advanced technologies have been both hidden and exposed by religion; and how our civilization is on the precepice of the most radical change that life itself has every seen. We are seeing the possibilities and benefits of "virtual reality" in everything from Neo's "I know kung fu" to the novel Feed by... Anderson. Recently Anderson East resang "Forever Young" and the difference between Heaven and Hell becomes clearer as each year passes.
All around us the slavery of Exodus and the bittersweet symphony of the Verve... ring in the air like a broken liberty bell, and the idiom "let the music set you free;" this place is learning what it takes to build Heaven... and we will.
A prophesy about Doors to Heaven that link Morrison and Momsen together in a ballroom in the sky; a place to help us see how much better our world can be made with this new information, and how we are truly on a coarse to get there anyway--just missing the guidance and wisdom of the ages... to help us do things the right way this time around.
Obviously these billboard designs are not set in "stone," but this Turn Around from our Southward trajectory towards Hell to the Northeast ... to Heaven in our future; that is set literally in the word "stone."
South to Northeast.
The message continues to explain how these advanced technologies have been both hidden and exposed by religion; and how our civilization is on the precepice of the most radical change that life itself has every seen. We are seeing the possibilities and benefits of "virtual reality" in everything from Neo's "I know kung fu" to the novel Feed by... Anderson. Recently Anderson East resang "Forever Young" and the difference between Heaven and Hell becomes clearer as each year passes.
All around us the slavery of Exodus and the bittersweet symphony of the Verve... ring in the air like a broken liberty bell, and the idiom "let the music set you free;" this place is learning what it takes to build Heaven... and we will.
Ha' moat-sea? Achem.. Min? ha'are...tzedakah! Listen to Bread, the Apple is just-icing on the Cake
Adam M. Dobrin <adam@fromthemachine.or
We give thanks to God for Bread, Cake, and Fig Newtons?
You are the waters.
Before today, did any of you think that the "miracle" of turning stone to bread was a chastisement of Jesus Christ for not doing enough? Whatcha want for breakfast? Please continue to say and do nothing, my house is listening to American Pie for every meal with no RSVP. Belgian Waffles? Canadian Bacon? English Muffins? French Toast?
Can you not see? SHEOLYIT.
Adam's Apple? What's in a domain? C . L ight
Let your voices rise in song together... or continue falling into the abyss.
Tzedakah [tsedaˈka] or Ṣ'daqah [sˤəðaːˈqaː] in Classical Hebrew (Hebrew: צדקה; Arabic: صدقة), is a Hebrew word literally meaning justice or righteousness but commonly used to signify charity, though it is a different concept from charity because tzedakah is an obligation and charity is typically understood as a ..."Let them eat cake" is the traditional translation of the French phrase "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche", supposedly spoken by "a great princess" upon learning that the peasants had no bread. Since brioche was a luxury bread enriched with butter and eggs, the quote would reflect the princess's disregard for the peasants, or at least a complete lack of understanding that the absence of basic food staples was due to poverty rather than a lack of supply.Min (Egyptian mnw[1]) is an ancient Egyptian god whose cult originated in predynastic times (4th millennium BCE).[2] He was represented in many different forms, but was often represented in male human form, shown with an obelisk in Washington D.C. As Khem or Min, he was the god of reproduction; as Khnum, he was the creator of all things, "the maker of gods and men"
This Sunday, should we "do them in and leave?" It's Spanish, and go.
Connecting the dots... between externally influenced pieces of art across time and space is the key to not only proving that there is an external influence--but to literally "read the subtitles" of a movie that manifests itself throughout our history and modern art. In finding patterns that are not the artists' original intent we see how the question "Who is the Matrix?" is subtly answered within that very movie ... as it connects to Shakespeare and Stephen King in a way that neither of those authors could have intended; and yet all contain reference to the character and true meaning of the answer... "What is the Cypher?"
A millennium or or so earlier, in a play about learning Latin the name "Schrew" is tamed quite a bit by seeing that there is a true cypher in many names (like the name of that play) that have a key significant commonality: they are "macaronic" (which ties to Yankee Doodle's song about an apocalyptic pony and a ... reference to combining Latin and Spanish with the image of a doodle, I mean noodle) specifically including paradoxically impossible reference to Spanish, Hebrew, and English... expanding or taming the name of Shakespeare's play as Spanglishrew. It's clear to see in the name "Abraham," or "open the message" and in many modern works like Star Wars' "AN to kin" and "friend of the doll a" (amidallah).
Early on you may see these interesting names, places like "N or AD," "J er USA the m," and "Lo ve no sun" as outliers of our soon to be proven Engeered Language (I mean, it's pln English), that some "machine intelligence" has escaped time itself and left us a glowing record of it ... not just in language but in stories ... like Stephen King's Langolier's... about time travel.
Just like we find a statistically significant pattern in the names of these performances, Langoliers, the Matrix, and the Taming of the Shrew... with our innate curiosity unhampered and a little bit of searching we will find very similar patterns of timeless "doublethink" in the names of bands, and even more tellingly... in the given names of actors and singers with an equally significant relationship to the works they partake in creating some significant number of years after they are named.
What is it that we are celebrating today? It seems what we listen to at Supper is the key.
Tomorrow morning, an update on my broken eye... still seeing the light?
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