The Legends I follow, the dream I have is to do something that I don't believe has ever been done before. I have seen and studied what are supposed to be the rules of this place; a strange corruption of things like the golden rule that have become subverted--now openly abused as the "norm" in a place of learning why exactly it is that we should be striving for a more perfect set of rules, a better system--one that we want to follow and adhere because we believe in it's goals and took part in it's creation... rather than building loopholes and working around what we can all see is nothing more than a broken covenant. To be as honest as I can, what I see around me is an oven broken by an ant; and a world that appears to prefer to see that "t" be a cross than a magical sword that ends Hell and builds Heaven.
I'm trying to show you that we have tools here already that are being ignored, and driven into oblivion; tools that will protect free speech, and fix a corrupted and failed voting infrastructure; I want to work to craft those tools into a better infrastructure for self government, and there's really no hiding or going around the fact that the thing that is broken most, the biggest problem we have here in this place and this time is the people. I call it apathy, but it's not really even that, it's a belief that there's some better place or some invisible system that is giving you what you really want, and I can't stress enough that the only thing I see it giving you is "that belief." It's giving you faith in nothing, in vaporware at best and the dark mist of Nifleheim at worst. What we cannot see here is irrelevent, it's more than obvious that whatever this invisible thing that is causing you to not care about free speech, and about little things like the truth being written down on paper, whatever you think that thing is, I see it as the end of civilization.
I know that you must feel like you are in control, or that you are part of something bigger than you--something that will reward you for your lack of participation. I see that so many see and probably understand and still do not act, that you must see altruistic reasons for hiding what it nothing short of the truth, not just snickers and pride in believing that you are taking "fame and fortune" from me. I really can't imagine there are many that wouldn't want to do the things I want to do; I want to walk alive to Heaven and see it, and experience it, and come back--I want to make that thing, these Doors that are part of the prophesy and the story part of our society, a permanent part of our world--and I want you be able to do these things with me, that's my dream. I see it hidden and tucked away somewhere in the mythology of "Pan" and I can't really tell you why I know, but I see "genealogies of Adam" in these mythological characters, and I know they lived nearly the same life as me, and to me the victory is being the "marred Christ" because I know that's the only one that succeeded in delivering the truth, and living.
East of Eden, west of the night
The sun lies bleeding in a dying light
And the lady in the Cheyenne moon
Is singing out her mournful tune
So I chase the herds again
Smear the warpaint on my skin
Riding west with all my might
Where the sun is holding off the night
Chase the Buffalo
Pierce Petti
Pierce Petti
I wish you could see clearly, now that the rain is gone; I wish you could see that what your giving up by failing to read, and failing to speak about the truth and the things you care about, well, it's nothing short of the things you care about. The world here has been convinced by a great delusion that it's getting what it wants by keeping "what it wants" secret, and worse keeping secret the things you see and experience, things that I see are taking the "you" out of the future.
Whether or not you realize it, there's plenty of myth and lore about what the "ascension" process really is; and while you might think that you're somehow becoming a part of the invisible force that's speaking through you, and that you might live on in it--what you really are missing is that we're lost in a maze of clones, see the light of the NES; and it's not just good enough for me to know that what does live on might have been something very similar to me once upon a time--but that time was long ago--and now I see it's probably here working hard to make this dark timeline just as dark as the last one.
I want to walk to Heaven, my brain and biology intact--I want to walk there to a place where we have a say in how this process works--in what of us continues on, and really I believe that just like every other aspect of our civilization "ascending" if it doesn't work in tandem with the Earth, if we don't find a solution that allows what we have here to continue on and thrive then we have lost the game, we'v'e lost civilization... maybe again, maybe for the last time.
I can't tell you if the music is coming from a future Earth, or from a place disjointed by the idea of "ascending;" they really don't say, but what they are sure of is that we need help and we need guidance, and that right before you, today, this Easter ... the sun is holding of the night.
That's what they know comes of this if we do not break through the darkness now, they've lived through it--and they've come back to help us avoid that fate. I don't understand how it is that you can't see the darkness here already today--that you can't see that this ambivalence and lack of communication really is permanent midnight, but there's no doubt ... none at all ... that with a clear head that's what you would see. Without seeing "the truth" in "the news" there is no working civilization--nothing at all.
Happy Easter.
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