You stare blankly at very obvious proof that the world around us blind, moving forward with no particular destination and refusing to see the message painted on our noses and the Rose cross itself; that we are headed directly Southeast. It won't take more than few calling a single media outlet to break down this wall; this sickness that is standing between our entire world and Heaven--holding us a kind of frozen Amber and preventing any meaningful discussion of exactly how we might use this very clear proof that we are living inside virtual reality to accomplish the goals set out in books like the New Testsament and in the Matrix of art connecting Neo to Jean Luc Picard ... stopping flying bullets to Minority Report and healing the sick to Gigi Hadid, the word "addiction" and the heart of this message that ties the symbol for Silicon to the Fifth Element through "A.D." through "music" and through my sister's name--Dawn, connecting Arthur and Bart through more than Gan Eden. Refusing to acknowledge that these patterns exist is spiritual darkness; refusing to see that not delivering this message to the world is the end of "free speech" and the end of "free communication" really doesn't even touch on the level of sickness in this place where Orwell's "prophesy" of a time of universal deceit is right before us, and we apparently; are copathetic about it--I just can't imagine how it is that the whole of you have simply decided that it's OK to move forward in this place where it's clear that the very next step we take is into the abyss. Turn around; organize yourselves against darkness, try "using the internet" before you lose it.
I don't know what to tell you, I've canvassed this very clear and obvious proof of Creation and a message from God telling us the Matrix is Hades and knowing that helps us very quickly turn it into Heaven to so many people that it's very clear that the entire world is simply "pretending not to see it" with one loud "indivisible voice." See the "indivisibility" of this sea is the Abomination of Desolation; and that with this same one loud voice all you say is "it's OK to starve babies for no reason;" until you act, this is what and who you all are. If you have a future, they will either thank you for changing the world, or they will be disgusted with your lack of action--it really is one or the other or nothing.
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