I found this buried somewhere, I haven't read it; not really.
In the mythology of Adam, Space Mountain has held a meaning something like a structured system to govern the use of technology — the "power of God." The idea congealed "too well" with the idea of being on a train which is how "The Apocalypse" or "creation" has been described to me; a spiritual journey. The imagery of a rail-road implicitly reveals a lack of control of direction, in what is a discovery which in large part has to do with a first-hand understanding of mind control technology.
Through the light of religion glowing in modern movies and music, Disney stands out as a particularly luminous example of a sort of museum-exhibit on the ride that Space Mountain is a living metaphor for. In the Land of Imagination, we have Figment pointing out all the neat glowing ensembles on a similar ride — and you might see some pretty strong threads tying Imagine Dragons to my early assertion that "Satan" is a purple dinosaur in Disney World.
When I said that, I didn't realize that I was describing a character on a ride that serves a similar function as myself, but here I am pointing out all the light I've seen on my journey thus far. I'm making a big deal of pointing out the glowing rail because it has a quite a bit to do with what I see as the "purpose" of the ideas of Satan and Hell. The lack of control… especially when hidden is what I'd call Hell, and this rail compares well with the "track" that the race of Ecclesiastes 9:11 and the Burning Bush is lighting. Like the track, and perhaps better illustrated by Space Mountain, it's important to make sure that we don't get dizzy and fall as we disembark the ride. To that end, I want to share with you a cut-and-pasted together solution to the puzzle of what to do … right after, just to make sure that we aren't wandering around the park after it's closed.
Just like the directed courses we are hopefully taking a step back from and analyzing to try and discern for ourselves the purpose of the ride — and form our own conclusions… this is more guiding in what I think is "needed and right" for everyone. Truth be told, if I could I'd have Space Mountain take us directly to the Hotel Atlantis… but that's only to make sure we really get there, and breaking from metaphor — doing it while we are living with the purpose of making sure we get back home. I don't think we really understand the import of breaking the veil of simulated reality--and of doing so with something that is more than just uplifting but also educational and designed to help us see the kinds of things we might appreciate using back on Earth--on this place that is designed to be a stairway to Heaven... for our entire civilization.
While "Heaven for Everyone" was my answer in the very beginning, my particular ride directed me through a process of learning that actually taught me the meaning of the word — and demanded that there be a "need" or reason for everything. In what is a Disney twist on Aesop's learning experience.. there is a tangible need for nearly everything I "wanted" but really finding purpose and getting a glimpse into the journey that lead up to this City in the Cloud is part of the bright light of Figment's rail.
In this part of the journey, it's seeing that a huge focus of "Creation," "religion" and our civilization is the successful integration of "Heavenly technology" into our civilization.
It might be alone, but the idea that "Salvation" had something to do with civilization was completely lost on me as I dreamt of transiting to to a magical world that I knew absolutely nothing about for all of eternity. That's light to me also, the fact that there is very little description of exactly what might go on forever and ever… and the Monorail dropping us off at a Hotel that has been synonymous with the place in Christ's mythos is light too. Clear to me as the Space Mountain train starting chugging to a slow and I began thinking of all the possibilities available… is the (also probably not obvious) idea that our own personal Heaven is probably a place that we have a hand in building. This place — Atlantis — is meant to help us do exactly that.
this dream though, works.
If you don't know me, I'm Adam… and while many may frown on my (obviously intended to me) correlation between The God Most High and drugs; I think many people are expecting to find bliss in the place tucked away in our minds as Heaven, and there's a very obvious relationship between this euphoria and … narcotics. Because of my experience, you'll see I related nearly everything to mind control; and my particular light here is the fact that I know "we have the technology" to eliminate addic tion and it's in my personal list of "make sure we do better than nothing" to do my best to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to consciously make this decision. To me it's very related to the concept of "redeemer" and I hope to not only re-affirm that "addicts are victims of an illness" but to suggest that that in our world drugs have often been pushed on society — from the Opium Dens of colonialism to cocaine and even more recently synthetic amphetamines. I personally know is a more "civilized" rendition of human-sacrifice, forces outside our society have used this particular weakness to "set fire" to people, nations, maybe the world. It is a "cross to bear" that I point this out, and suggest that the silver lining is now what I consider a "need" to help fix a huge problem of our civilization using the very same technology that might have otherwise been… unknown or unrelated to the cause of these systemic epidemics of addiction. It's eugenics, plain and simple--and so is not using available technology to rectify it.
If you don't know me, I'm Adam… and the first attraction that I'd personally like to see upon entering the Gates of Atlantis is a pool (I think the Bible might call this the King's Pool, and … to be quite honest … I really want this) that artificially creates a euphoria similar to MDMA (or ADAM, as it was once called) while you are … swimming. In continued honesty, I had some serious push-back on this idea, but as the days go by I am more sure that the more of these pools (or similar ones that illustrate the virtual-reality concept of instilling a feeling based on location — similar to synesthesia) the more of a success this venture will have. The idea of "location based" mind-assistance probabl y has significant applications, like perhaps artificially increasing reading speed in "libraries…" I'm very interested in ideas like this, and sharing them in a sort of open-forum; which might one day be the precursor to a kind of building-block-distribution system that might look something like our modern smart-phone application stores. I envision people being able to design "structures" like log-cabins that always smell freshly cut with bright fire's always burning inside … and share them in similar fashion… which leads me to the second fixture of my dream vacation destination, a personal Holodeck for creating, combining, and experiencing these things. The interface for something like this is clearly something that will evolve, and probably fairly rapidly… but we have CAD and the Sims games as foundational light.
My "two-cents" for speeding up this kind of interface is a sort of "memory dump" that would automatically model objects from personal memories — another magic feat that I personally know to be very attainable.
This risen city of imagination has a very special movie theater, modeled after one in Pembroke Pines, FL that happens to be in the "odd" shape of a pyramid. In the hidden tomb that is the only room of this structure, I'd find a huge I-max screen, a full bar, and a water bed… just one. Every group entering the room would be "keyed" to their own personal copy of this room, illustrating how the idea of templating can be both "space saving," aid in the efficiency of design and navigation, and create new opportunities for privacy.
If you don't know me.. I'm K. My bright light for the "glue" that can make this Atlantis possible for the entire world with the snap of our collective fingers is the K-Nearest-Neighbor artific ial intelligence concept, applied to Heaven.
In what is a near inversion of the templating of the Pyramid Theatre, K-NN would enable the main structure of the Hotel (in my mind this is a lifted facsimile of the Island in the Bahamas) that would enable the same structure to be shared by the entire world, grouping people together based on things like friendship and common language.
As we move from the much deserved vacation to the business-engagement of our journey; this same concept leads us into the Catacombs, what might be a good physical solution to the "hard problem" of trying to have a conversation with the entire world at once… as if anyone would ever try to do that.
In these "board-room" like meeting places, and I envision maybe a path of three or four as we move through the maze to magic solutions… we could be grouped together again with people that we know, or perhaps also based on themes of common-interest or common-agreement; in an effort to discuss and collaborate on how Virtual Reality might integrate successfully into our world.
As previously mentioned, something like roving vending machines with replicators on them might be a "snap your fingers" to end-world-hunger; and I feel like I have to mention that something like this would be a "bare-minimum" for doing… better than nothing when presented with the opportunity to do something that was previously not known to be possible.
Probably worth being mentioned… is that these "light exhibits" which I have been pointing out are … subconsciously surfaced to me — made very obvious — in what I consider the "eyes to see" of Revelation; I think we should be thinking about whether or not this would be worthwhile for others, and how similar ideas might be beneficial. I also need to caution that this too is a form of mind control, and it should be clear that having someone else's "perspective" made obvious to you might detract from free will.
It also might help us see something with a needed clarity that had previously been overtly hidden, or "too big to recognize" like a glowing arrow on the face of a mountain we are climbing.
Or something like an entire island on our planet filled with Easter Eggs.
-The Eye of the Storm
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