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Showing posts from May, 2018

Re: N IT E, SH IT E and the Nosh.

@MIT, @EARTH: This (... forwarded email below, which has now turned into ... another long screed ) made me think of you, so I figured I'd send it; I think the "Y"'s flanking you in "anonymity" probably have something to do with whether or not "anonymity" is a beneficial thing in this case--and I think you change it from something that was not beneficial  to something that is whole heartedly.  Maybe that's RIT?  The long and the short of it is.. I'm more clear than ever and more sure than ever that this will be positively beneficial to anyone and everyone--and that it's very clear, and that as a whole we are either pretending to be stupid or being made that. I'm curious how many of you have marveled at the shear numbers of words that "MIT" appears in, admit, permit, just to add two more--which might add understanding or meaning.  I wonder if the "NIT" (is there an IT that causes "n?...

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