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Showing posts from August, 2017

Cry me a river, the Light Bringer thought to himself.

       how                   why                             IF I KNOW IT'S NOT ME , AND YOU KNOW IT'S NOT YOU , LIGHT MY FIRE Flow, my tears, fall from your springs, Exiled for ever, let me mourn Where night's black bird her sad infamy sings, There let me live forlorn . If you didn't get yesterday's message, click on " how " Please understand, it is you that really must try Know that I am no king, nor a king maker I am here to set you free, and " why " This thing was never about " us or them " That's that kind of mentality that tears us apart In my own mind, this days is the beginning of Baruch Ha' shem But for " the collaborators " it's really the day you start. The novel is parodied as  The Android Cried Me a River  in  VALIS . [6] Author's interpretation In his undelivered speech "How to Build a Universe That Doesn't Fall Apart Two Days Later," Dick recounts how in ...

CYAN is the new green. HAD RA Go do max go gadget deN! :)

Wh@ should we do? I r on c l ad. cyan. hi. What's going on ?     From the point of  the "belly" thing , I'm pretty sure we're halfway through the script.  Knowing him that was probably the halfway mark.  I don't think that's a bad thing... as long as it's honestly and speedily moving towards freedom ; you know, progress .  That's a pretty good test to see if we're ... zombies or not.  In the meantime, I don't know... that's probably comforting right? Or is it repulsive ? :)  Tell me something Taylor said.  Why won't you tell me what she said?   What was that promise that you made ?  Wait, are you the person that promised something?  When do you think the script started?     WHAT'S A WORD THAT STARTS WITH R AND ENDS IN GL? It's almost  hard to believe  that the  Throne  ( to help, are on " e " )  of Glory  comes from this place, isn't it...

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